Our listing support services were created out of necessity. High volume listing agents can’t produce at a high volume unless they have help with administrative tasks, courier services, and contract to close. We solve these problems for you.
Listing Coordination ($350)
It’s incredibly satisfying to win a listing, turn in your listing agreement, and watch everything run on auto-pilot while you manage the client relationship and provide strategic advice. Our listing coordinator takes care of everything from scheduling photos to taking the listing live, and everything in between. Because the service is used on every “house listing”, we’re constantly innovating and improving the process, which is automatically rolled out to every agent.
Contract to Close ($150)
Contract to Close should run in the background and make sure that everything is humming, which is exactly what we do. Our CTC services run a very detailed checklist to make sure that every “i” is dotted and “t” is crossed. Compliance is a breeze because you’re just providing documents when CTC can’t find them on their own. One of the most important jobs of CTC is “smoke spotting” to notify you of any potential fires.
Courier Services Provided by SignOtter
Our Listing Coordination and CTC work together seamlessly with Sign Otter to manage your sign and lockbox inventory and make sure everything gets to and from your listings when it needs to. Your time is incredibly valuable and low level runner tasks should be offloaded so that you can win more business or spend more time recharging.