Elizabeth Denson Breitenbach

Elizabeth Denson Breitenbach

Prior to Cherry, my husband and I had been working for a short time with a different Realtor in Austin (a referral from an acquaintance). This was our first time buying a home (plus we are new to Austin), so we didn't know what to expect from a Realtor, but something felt "off" with this Realtor. She was incredibly, almost intimidatingly, charming, and always very quick to meet us at a moment's notice, but all she would do is open the door. My husband and I were looking for (and we thought we had been asking this Realtor for) a lot more guidance and hand-holding. Eventually, we decided to go with our gut and ask an old camp friend of mine (who lives in Austin and used to be a Realtor) if she could recommend someone who had the kind of guiding/helpful Realtor approach we were looking for. Enter Cherry. Very quickly after we met, I knew we would be a great fit because, during this first meeting, she asked my husband and me tons of insightful and strategic questions about what we were looking for. I knew she was listening intently, and I knew we were the only thing on her mind at that moment.

When we met Cherry in person for the first time at the first house, it was SUCH a relief because after she opened the door, she was looking at the house with incredible discernment, as if she herself was considering purchasing the home. And Cherry was that way in every home we visited.
I think the moment I fell in love with her was when she talked for a good 10 minutes about her
concern about the gutter situation in a particular house. I (we) trust Cherry implicitly. She never,
ever made me feel pressured or like I wasn't a huge priority for her. I have tremendous respect for
the way in which she guided us in this unprecedented market. She provided us with every detail
we needed to know about every house and every step of the offer process, and while it was clear
that she always wanted us to get the homes we offered on, it was equally clear to me that she did
not want us spending more than made sense for us (even in this market) in each particular offer
situation. As a Realtor, she has a special mix of qualities that I admire and am thankful for, and as
a person, I feel incredibly relaxed and happy in her presence. What more could you ask for? We
(me, my husband, and my almost-two-year-old son) adore Cherry.