Carlsbad Realtor Lawsuit: Comparables for the Property in Question

Jan 24, 2008
A friend of mine in CA sent me some sold comparables to Marty Ummel's home in Carlsbad, CA - you can click on the image above to see the full sheet. For those of you not familiar with the story, she's the woman who is suing her Realtor because she feels she overpaid for her home. All of this information is in the public record in California:
Marty Ummel's property is 1657 Amante Ct. She paid $1.2m for her property, which is $325/s.f. If you look at the comparables, she did pay 6.5% over the average price/s.f, but the the range in the neighborhood is $882k to $1.36m, and $242/s.f. to $389/s.f.
Whew! This can get confusing! Good thing she got an independent appraisal on the property!'s the interesting part. According to these comparables (also public record) her house hasn't gone down in value:
Think what you will about the validity of the lawsuit, the role that personal responsibility needs to play in people's decisions, or what constitutes puffery vs. expert opinion. Regardless of those issues, these figures are compelling.
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