How Many REALTORs Are in Austin, TX?


How many REALTORs are in Austin, TX is a surprisingly tricky question to answer. The easiest number to fetch is the total number of Austin REALTORs currently members at ABOR, which you can find by going to the “Find an Agent” section at ABOR. Currently, there are 19,893 REALTOR members at ABOR (date of publishing this blog).

How many agents are actually working agents? To find this info, we use a paid tool we subscribe to that parses MLS data.

2024 Year End Numbers 17,192 Unlock Members (down 6.4% vs same time 12 months ago)

  • 5262 sold 0 homes in 2024. (30.6%)
  • 3188 sold 1 home. (18.5%)
  • 6751 sold 0-3 homes. (39.3%)
  • 5043 sold 4+ homes, which is 1 per quarter. (29.3%)
  • 3393 sold 6+ homes, which is 1 every other month. (19.7%)
  • 1180 sold 12+ homes, which is 1 per month. (6.9%)
  • 281 sold 24+ homes, which is 2 per month. (1.6%)


March 26, 2024 ABOR Members: 19,458
*benchmarked to see if the NAR Settlement causes a membership drop.

2023 Year End Numbers

  • 18,356 REALTOR members of ABOR.
  • 6126 sold 0 homes in 2023. (33.4%)
  • 3310 sold only 1 home. (18%)
  • 5203 agents sold 4+ homes, which is 1 per quarter. (28.3%)
  • 3489 agents sold 6+ homes, which is 1 every other month. (19%)
  • 1214 agents sold 12+ homes, which is 1 per month. (6.6%)
  • 267 agents sold 24+ homes, which is 2 per month. (1.5%)

######Old Numbers Below########

Year to Date as of Nov 4, 2023

  • 18,693 REALTOR members of ABOR.
  • 7038 agents have sold 0 homes in 2023. (37.7%)
  • 11,655 agents have sold at least 1 home in 2023. (62.3%)
  • 7881 agents have sold at least 2 homes in 2023. (42.2%)
  • 3699 agents have sold at least 5 homes YTD (10 months), which is roughly 1 sale every other month. (19.7%)
  • 1333 agents have sold at least 10 homes YTD, which is roughly 1 sale per month. (7.1%)
  • 302 agents have sold at least 20 homes YTD, which is roughly 2 sales per month. (1.6%)

Year to Date as of Aug 7, 2023

  • 19,893 REALTOR members of ABOR.
  • 9623 agents have sold 0 homes in 2023. (48.4%)
  • 10,270 agents sold at least 1 home in 2023. (51.6%)
  • 6544 agents sold at least 2 homes in 2023. (32.9%)
  • 4628 agents sold at least 3 homes, which is roughly 1 sale every other month. (23.3%)
  • 1471 agents sold at least 7 homes, which is roughly 1 sale/month. (7.4%)
  • 394 agents sold at least 14 homes, which is roughly 2 sales/month. (2%)

