Nov 1 OKR Meeting Notes


1) Community Vendor: Adrienne Laosa w/ Treaty Oak Properties

2) Welcome!

  • Coleen Karpf
  • Julie Stoakley
  • Gina Lochner

3) Super Preliminary Market Statistics

*Agents will usually have the MLS updated 2-3 days after a property closes or goes pending. Today is Nov 1, so we can't rely on pending/closed data through 10/31. These numbers compare 10/28/2021 against 10/28/2022 (both exclude one full weekend.)

*2022 Inventory calculated with 90 days Absorption Rate.


  • The market continues to slow.
  • Avg Price continues to hold. This is due to the lack of "forced sellers".
  • We're likely in the trough. We don't know how long we'll be in the trough.
  • Some credible experts predict 4.5% mortgage rates in the spring. Some predict 6.5%. Some think we could be in the 7-8% range. We'll know when we get there and we'll react when that time comes.
  • Stay positive and productive! :)

4) Office OKRs

  • We closed $13.3M and 25 transactions in October. This is -36% in units and -39% in dollar volume over 2021.
  • We contracted $14M and 25 transactions in October. This is -46% in units and -47% in dollar volume over 2021.
Leading Indicators
  • October FUB Leaderboard
  • We sent 53.5k emails, 2008 text messages, & we talked for 1 day and 12 hours!
  • Top Texter = Chris w/ 533 text messages!
  • Top Talker = Eric E w/ 3 hrs 49 min!
$1M+ Closers
  • Tara = $2.2M
  • Kasey = $1.9M
  • Jeremy = $1.8M
$1M+ Contracts
  • Kasey = $3.6M
  • Jeremy = $2.3M
  • Lindsey = $2M
  • Joe = $1.4M
  • Craig = $1.4M
  • Linda = $1.1M

5) What we completed in October

  • Ported our inbound marketing numbersĀ back to Callrail from FUB. (Great example of Kaizen.) We found that moving to FUB was not an improvement and came with some downsides (primarily that the callers' numbers didn't show on caller ID.) We've used Callrail for a long time, so simply switched back.
  • Minor Client Portal improvements. These were predominantly UI inconsistencies that we fixed as we received feedback.
  • The 2023 Office Calendar is complete with dates. We spent time documenting our recurring events, which are listed under the office calendar.
  • Goal Setting process has been systemized (more on that below.)

6) What We're Working On

  • Social lunch mixers. First is on 11/16. Signup here:
  • Goal Setting - Google Form will be sent to everyone this week. Bailey, Shelby, & Marelise will perform goal setting meetings. Can be over Zoom or in the office.
  • Client Portal: Wrapping up one last confusing UI issue and then moving onto the big "Better User Experience" feature set. This feature set will have really visible changes and we'll roll these out over the next 2-3 months.
  • Real Estate Review support and promotion. Since this is our first year to put this together, we're still learning how to best support everyone and promote this. (Discussion.)
  • Various marketing: This is something that we always do and have always done. Only mentioning it as an example of how we stay "positive and productive." The market has shrunk, so we're only seeing ~50% of the results/leads that we saw from the same efforts last year, but that doesn't mean marketing or our efforts don't work. While our competitors are stressing or slacking off, we're continuing to improve!

7) Market Observations, Coming Soons, & Buyer Needs Round Table (Bailey)
